For our first homework assignment in NYU-ITP intro to computational media, we were supposed to do a self-portrait in Processing. Being that I hate to be precise, but I’m also not an artist, I tried to mess with some code and experiment a bit, instead of coming up with pixel-perfect shapes. It’s no cubist work but it was a good exercise for just starting Processing. There are some loops in there, layering (making sure certain shapes fill below other shapes), etc. I was trying to represent the circle loop from the class exercise, as well as include some primary colors from different tribes I’ve been a part of, along with text labels for explaining what they mean to an outside observer.
I’m horrible at drawing faces so mine ended up looking a little like a Lego. The American flag for the torso, as that is what represents me most to an outsider, does not quite fit since I don’t know if one can fill a shape with an external image. A more cubist, cartoony visage seemed to be more compatible with my drawing skills. I enjoyed Ingen’s sketch of himself, where he just used sparse lines to create the shape of his face, as well as Kojo’s sketch, which was a great use of colored shapes, fewer bold lines, and more of a digital avatar-like appearance.
If I had more time, I’d probably want to make the whole image variable in size, so that I could duplicate it across the area of the “screen” size, to make it like a Warhol painting. It would also make the code more scalable, if I could adjust all the dimensions at once.
Here is a demo from the Javascript export (using Processing.js). If that doesn’t work, here’s the .jar.
Demo and code below the jump:
And here is the raw code:
// Ben Turner // NYU-ITP, Intro to Computational Media // Self-portrait. // sets screen params size(400, 400); background(160,252,33); smooth(); // circles coming from left side noFill(); stroke(28,85,29); strokeWeight(1); for (int i=0;i<1000;i=i+10) { ellipse(0,200,i,i); } noStroke(); // green back fill(0,100,1); rect(80,200,300,300); // purple back fill(101,10,193,210); rect(40,300,350,350); // makes boxes for representing different colors for stages in my life stroke(0); strokeWeight(1); int j = 0; for (int i=0;i<400;i=i+50) { switch(j) { case 0: fill(148,0,255); break; case 1: fill(255,38,0); break; case 2: fill(53,100,227); break; case 3: fill(17,126,15); break; case 4: fill(255,190,8); break; default: fill(255); break; } j=j+1; if (j==6) { fill(255); } rect(i,110,50,50); if (j==6) { PImage bodyImage; bodyImage = loadImage("txflag.jpg"); image(bodyImage,276,111,49,49); } i=i+5; } stroke(0); strokeWeight(6); // sets font params and draws various text on upper part of image PFont fontPortrait; fontPortrait = loadFont("Helvetica-48.vlw"); textFont(fontPortrait, 160); fill(0); text("BENTURNER", -20, 100); textFont(fontPortrait,30); fill(255); text("VICTORBENJAMINTURNER",100,50); fill(0); textFont(fontPortrait,25); text("nyutsigeorgetownarmylonghornstexas",0,140); // shoulders & body PImage bodyImage; bodyImage = loadImage("flag.jpg"); image(bodyImage,100,350,200,100); noFill(); beginShape(); vertex(100,400); vertex(110,350); vertex(290,350); vertex(300,400); endShape(CLOSE); // head background noStroke(); fill(255,255,0); rect(120,170,150,150); // head background opacity noStroke(); fill(250,150,0,150); rect(150,160,150,200); // left ear background noStroke(); fill(105,220,232); beginShape(); vertex(255,230); vertex(295,225); vertex(290,300); vertex(260,295); endShape(CLOSE); // right ear background noStroke(); fill(255,194,39); beginShape(); vertex(138,230); vertex(115,225); vertex(105,235); vertex(108,300); vertex(140,295); endShape(CLOSE); // left ear strokeWeight(6); stroke(0); noFill(); beginShape(); vertex(265,240); vertex(285,235); vertex(280,290); vertex(270,285); endShape(CLOSE); // head stroke(0); noFill(); ellipse(220, 270, 150, 200); // right ear beginShape(); vertex(138,240); vertex(115,230); vertex(110,235); vertex(117,290); vertex(135,285); endShape(CLOSE); // nose beginShape(); vertex(205,245); vertex(215,270); vertex(195,270); endShape(); // right eyebrow line(150,200,190,210); // right eye ellipse(170,230,30,15); // left eyebrow line(210,210,240,200); // left eye ellipse(230,230,30,15); // mouth beginShape(); vertex(180,300); vertex(220,300); endShape(CLOSE);